A Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society Est. 1973

Who Should Become A Member
Anyone who is interested in family history no matter what level of expertise or localities being researched.
Anyone who is interested in assisting others with their research.
Anyone who is interested in making Geauga County records more accessible and user friendly.

Benefits of Membership
As a member, you will join a dedicated group of individuals sharing the same passion of honoring one's ancestors through genealogy research with a focus on Geauga County, Ohio.
You will enjoy and benefit from:
Our excellent newsletter, The Raconteur, which is available via email or US mail.
Updates on current genealogical trends and offerings through our programs and those of other societies.
Meetings that offer reputable speakers and excellent topics.
Valuable networking opportunities with other genealogists and invited speakers.
Annual field trip to a Geauga County historical point of interest.
As a Chapter our society's OGS members gain entry to a larger collection of resources of this great state organization.

Membership Application
To apply for membership an application form is available:
At a monthly meeting
From the Anderson Allyn Room of Geauga County Public library (GCPL), Chardon
Download Membership Application Here
Member dues are $15 per year. Lifetime memberships are available for $130. Member renewals are due at the beginning of January. Please bring the form and payment (cash or check) to a meeting or mail it to the address on the application form.
Donations are appreciated and help the Society continue their work. There is a place on the membership application to designate a financial gift.
Officers for July 2023 - June 2025
President: Rex Saleck, genpresident@gmail.com
Vice President: Cheryl McClellan, genvpres@gmail.com
Secretary: Cathy Schwind, GCGSgensecy1@gmail.com
Treasurer: Nancy Lorenz, gentreas@gmail.com
Pedigree Chart
Submit a 4 - 5 generation Pedigree Chart of surnames you are researching. This will assist you and other members to discover common ancestors and thereby enrich your research. Click here to download a blank Pedigree Chart. Assistance is available if needed.
For questions or information please email our President or mail to:
Geauga County Genealogical Society
c/o Geauga County Public Library
110 East Park Street
Chardon, OH 44024-1213